venerdì 15 settembre 2023



NANO, MA QUANTO PARLI..........!!!🤫🤫
stromboli ---But, all these people who fear airplanes' white trails, are they also afraid of us volcanoes, since we throw in the atmosphere - every single day - SULFUR DIOXIDES, HYDROGEN SULFIDE, CARBON DIOXIDE, ASHES, FREEZE-DRIED MINERALS, HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF...

etna --- Stoooop, in the name of God. Don't tell anymore. Or, in a few minutes, we'll be accused to be maneuvred by Soros, the New Masonic Order and aliens too.... SHUT YOUR TRAP UP !!!!


  ETNA: --At first they were eruption-maniacs, then came tremor graphic maniacs, now they all are volcanic vortex-rings-maniacs...everyday I...