sabato 5 giugno 2021



DOCTOR: - tell me as a patient, did this problem start during your childhood? but also tell me, as a volcanologist, will these eruptions stop?
VOLCANOLOGIST: - as a volcanologist I tell you I don't understand it anymore. This is the problem, not my childhood at all. I wish I were a volcano myself so to understand what is happening in the conducts.
STROMBOLI: - look, I am a volcano and I am more confused than you. I feel useless, stupid---- She makes me feel a loser.
VOLC. - She makes me feel unconfident
DOC - She makes me feel asthmatic with all that sand (as Freud said: what the f**)
ETNA : - Well I put into a crisis more than one....


  E' UN PO' INDECISA, LA   AIUTATE...? ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Etna is confused about her dinner... will she "taste" Bronte's pis...